Exciting NEWS will soon be posted regarding an out-of-school Bible Lesson for some students at United Elementary School. Armagh Methodist Church has agreed to Charter a local chapter of Bible2School where, by parental permission and allowable PA State law, students will be transported by private hire to Armagh MC for a Bible Lesson, song and craft once a week.
Private donations for lesson material costs, bus for hire and other direct expenses are always welcome! If you would like to make a financial contribution, please make your check payable to “Armagh Methodist Church” and write "Bible2School" on the Memo Line. We will collect gifts as received during the school year. Thank you!
570 West Philadelphia Street
Armagh, PA 15920
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Worship Services are available on YouTube Channel:
Armagh & Seward Methodist Charge
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Ramps of Hope News!
Church Crisis Committee of Indiana County has now been established to support the Ramps of Hope, which had been previously supported by WPAUMC. Doug Hilliard of Homer City will continue to oversee the program. CCC will now collect donations and arrange for volunteers. Ramps of Hope has helped several families in our area.
If you care to donate funds for materials,
want to help on-site or know
of someone who needs a ramp, please contact Doug at 724-599-7750.
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ULRM Project Linus
AMC Church Council has agreed to help United Laurel Valley Ministerium’s sponsorship of Project Linus. The group coordinator is Shirley Lamantia, and her number is 724.493.6454. Willing hands, materials and financial support are needed. Please call her about helping and send your donations to:
Shirley Lamantia
329 Bridges Road,
Bolivar PA 15923
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Kenya Partnership:
The Allegheny West Annual Conference has established a partnership with the Kenya-Ethiopia Conference of the Global Methodist Church. If you would like to make a financial contribution to our partnership, please make your check payable to “Armagh Methodist Church” and write "Kenya Partnership" on the Memo Line. We will collect gifts over the summer.
570 West Philadelphia Street
Armagh, PA 15920
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Glorifying God, Edifying His people, Growing in His Word, Employing His Gifts, Proclaiming His Gospel!